Sunday, 23 May 2010

BKSA Round 1: Redcar

The first leg of the BKSA tour returned to my local beach this weekend, and despite the poor forecast, decided to enter given that we've had some good sea breezes on recent sunny days.

Unfortunately my optimism proved to be misplaced, and there wasn't enough consistent wind to run all the competitions, but they did manage to get the land events, the course racing and the women's pro freestyle all complete.

Despite this, I did get some time on the water and put line extensions on my 15m Chrono to give me that little extra edge in the marginal conditions, above is a pic. taken by local photographer
Colin Falcon.

Despite the poor wind, it was a good weekend overall, got to mix with some very good riders, sink a few beers, and top up on the tan. Hoping for a good forecast for the next event in several weeks time: Hunstanton.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

I'm back

Hi guys.

I'm ready to get back in the sea right-now but the wind is very northerly, it'll probably take me best part of the summer to gain my previous levels of fitness and strength but I'm back in the sea at the next opportunity. I send all my kites to be modified, I can't cope with those exposed cross-joints for the amount of self-launches and landing I do, anyone had any problems ?

Pulling my pants on was a land-mark 2 months ago, then getting down to my toes and being able to lace-up shoes recently was huge.

to all

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

quick question

do u guys use the different settings on the kite? (furia's)
and does it make much of a difference?
if it does, what are the differences?
