Friday, 16 April 2010

I'm Back!! ~ (unfortunately)

By the looks of things on the blog, nobody missed me?
where is everyone?
Had an awesome time!!
out of wind season and got 8 days out of 16 mixed between 7, 9, & 11 furia's (mostly 9m)

will add some pics etc when i get a chance - just moved and dont have internet till next week sometime.

Hey Rich, how is the hip doing? u gonna get out on the water soon?


  1. Hey Graeme!

    I'm pleased you had a great time out there. It's been pants here! I went for a trip to North Devon last week. No wind and only managed one day of surf. Need to get these new kites out the bags soon!!

  2. its has been so bad here in the UK no wind for 3 weeks!! the wind gods have truly left us!.

  3. Hi Graeme. Sorry, I only just noticed this comment, I'm kicking but I had a hard time at about the last couple of weeks in April and again recently though it's mostly to-do with me pushing things faster than recommended. I've been ready to get back in the sea for a couple of weeks now, my official 13 weeks post-op was up three weeks ago. Last week I shifted 12 tons of chippings over our drive, what a killer, that did-it, three days of agony and three days recovering.

    Right-now I'm like a dog-at-a-bone, catching-up with chores outside and waiting for convenient wind.

    I've done all I can to regain fitness and full mobility, right-now I need to kitesurf, doesn't matter how hard you work in the gym you still need to be on the water to get that strength back.

    Kitesurfing Eh, it's smoking herbs to me.

